Head right, sharply pointed nose, occ. pellet triad behind eye, diadem on forehead, pellet bosses in front
Horse stepping left, double upper right front leg, dashes for mane, tail of plain line alongside line of pellets, pellet boss below, above pellet rosette motif within ring, other pellets around (occ. wheel in place of pellet rosette motif)
Head right, sharply pointed nose, large curl behind ear, diadem above forehead, corded curls for hair, stars in front
Horse stepping right, double upper left front and rear legs, dashes for mane, leaf tail, straps of pellets and lines across neck and chest, star below, either pellet-in-ring in ring of pellets or wheel with pelleted rim above
Facing head, drooping moustache, star below chin, four sets of pellet triads around lower face, arc between pellet in ring motifs to each side, ring containing three pellets in cusp
Horse right, solid head, possibly with flame from mouth ?, tail of plain line and adjoining line of pellets, three or more pellet in ring motifs above, another below
Head right, herringbone hair, corn ear on forehead, large oval eye, large ring of pellets attached to corded lines in front
Horse left, large ears, pellet mane, pellet on chest and rump, corn ear below, horse skull (?) above attached to corded lines, star above horse’s head and rump
Bearded head left, slim neck, large oval eye, hair composed of corn ears, line of pellets behind face curls up to encompass boss behind head, rings around
Horse left, double upper front legs stretched out in front, large leaf tail, pellet in ring below, pellet in two rings of pellets above (occ. wheel with many spokes), other ring and pellet motifs around
Head left with pronounced jaw, large oval eye, complex lines of corded hair, pellet rosette motif in front, star below neck
Horse right, double upper left front leg, pellets or dashes for mane, solid head, large ear, usu. with lick of flame from mouth, large leaf tail, pellet in ring below, diamond- shaped motif above with pellet in ring at each corner, star above tail