Obverse: Highly stylised moon head right, central boss on face, lines and pellet line for hair
Reverse: Double-tailed annulate horse left, pellet on chest and rump, ring and star in ring below, large four-spoked wheel with beaded
rim above, pellet in each quarter
Type: Highly stylised moon head right, central boss on face, lines and pellet line for hair
Type: Double-tailed annulate horse left, pellet on chest and rump, ring and star in ring below, large four-spoked wheel with beaded
rim above, pellet in each quarter
TypeSeries: Ancient British Coins
CopyrightHolder: Oxford University
ABC0716https://iacb.arch.ox.ac.uk/exemplars/id/ABC0716mb_physical,osm,imperiumobjecthttps://iacb.arch.ox.ac.uk/exemplars/id/https://iacb.arch.ox.ac.uk/themes/oxforddisplaypk.eyJ1IjoiY291cnRuZXluaW11cmEiLCJhIjoiY2tpazc2Z2JxMDVrNzMycDl0azg2aXZudyJ9.Kp0r-ZP2zvmvkqJE0Zxewwhttps://iacb.arch.ox.ac.uk/exemplars/manifest/ABC0716Oxford University