Disjointed horse left, pellets and charioteer’s arms above, pelleted sun below, star or spiral below head, triple exergual line with vertical dashes below
Wreath, cloak and crescents, often many tiny pellets within design
Disjointed horse horse right, pellets and charioteer’s arms above, pellet sun below, occ. decoration (spiral or star) below horse’s neck, zigzag or crescents in exergue
ALII FE: Boar stepping right, short dashes for bristles, pellet in ring between crescents above, ALII FE between and in front of legs
SCAVO S C A ?RE[ ]: Horse prancing right, four pellets around pellet in ring above, SCAVO below, with C inserted between S and A, and with ?RE[ ] under
SAENV: Horse right, double upper right front leg, solid Y-shaped head, single dashes for mane, six pellets on shoulder, pelleted sun above, SAENV below